Troxell Intern Program Shares Some Love

Last November was a celebration of 50 years of existence of the Troxell Intern Program.  There were a lot of former interns, current interns, and even patients of Dr. Larry Troxell present to help celebrate the event.

A goal of the evening for the Troxell Interns was to help raise enough money in the hopes that they could provide support to other young intern programs just getting started around the country.

Just recently the Troxell Interns were finally able to put their efforts into action.

cleveland chiropractic college gonstead students

Gonstead Interns & Prospective Interns

So excited about their new Richeliou Chiropractic Equipment!

cleveland chiropractic college gonstead students

Cleveland College Gonstead Interns

Michael Miller, Katy Davis, and Brenton Hicks

The Troxell Interns from Eldridge, Iowa were so excited to purchase a full set of Richilieu Chiropractic Equipment for the Gonstead Interns and Prospective Interns that attend Cleveland Chiropractic College.

Having this equipment will help the students tremendously.  As Dr. Troxell (and Vince Lombardi) always said, "Perfect Practice Makes Perfect."